You can pick up a nice deal on Farm Rich Frozen Appetizers right now at Kroger. Clip your coupon and combine it with the sale to get your faves as low as $5.99.

Farm Rich Appetizers, 14.3 to 22 oz, or Meatball, 20 to 26 oz, $6.99 (reg $7.99) – through 3/25
$1/1 Farm Rich Appetizers, 14.3 to 22 oz, or Meatball, 20 to 26 oz, Kroger Super Saver Digital Coupon (use up to 5 times in a single transaction)
$1/1 Farm Rich Product printable [Sign Up]
$5.99 after coupon.

Can you even call it a party if they aren’t serving meatballs? We don’t think so. So, find those toothpicks (you know you bought ’em) and get this party started!